1. we found a home for two of the kittens and said goodbye to Guiness and Samuel... they got to stay together, so that was awesome.
2. Lucca found his permanent home with us, and he and Avery are enjoying being spoiled rotten by the two of us... they never dreamed of a life this great.
3. i got really sick and missed several days of work. no fun. :(
4. we went to texas for thanksgiving and bobby killed a hog, and then they (the men) buried it in the ground because it wouldn't have tasted good (nor would i have cooked it, but that's another story). my sis in law, joanne, and i got up at 4:30 am and went shopping on black friday... we had a ton of fun and i bought rugs for the house - a very good thing, except we need one more, and i can't find the same pattern anywhere.
5. we bought a new (to us) car from bobby's grandmother... very exciting!
6. i threw a bridal shower last saturday for jenni, my friend in columbus who is getting married to our other friend, derek, in madison, wi on january 4. we're going and i'm super excited! she's wearing my veil as her "something borrowed"! :)
7. i then drove to atlanta to see sara, one of my roommates in college and one of my best friends...and drove back the next morning. i figure my crazy days will come to an end in the next few years, so why not be crazy now?! we had a blast seeing each other, even if it was brief.
and that brings us to today... surely we've done more than that since october. seems like more than that has happened, but i'm blanking on it now. oh well.
time flies... it will be christmas before we know it. i've hardly started christmas shopping. lots to do in between now and then, and lots of other stuff going on in our lives...but i'm really looking forward to going home and seeing my family.
a few pictures from thanksgiving and then i'm off ... bobby's making dinner for me and my belly's growling!

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